Rent a Girlfriend – 04 – Don't Let Reality Win - Rabujoi

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As Mami and Kazuya kiss, all of his time with Mami flashes before his eyes, from the moment they meet to their first kiss. As Mami's “lost” bracelet lies in a very intentional spot for her to pick up at will, she asks Kazuya to forgive her, as she just “couldn't control h

As Mami and Kazuya kiss, all of his time with Mami flashes before his eyes, from the moment they meet to their first kiss. As Mami's “lost” bracelet lies in a very intentional spot for her to pick up at will, she asks Kazuya to forgive her, as she just “couldn't control herself anymore.”

This keeps the possibility alive in Kazuya's head that a reunion with Mami isn't just possible, but also what Mami wants. Even if this encounter is 100% a calculated move by Mami as part of her breakup scheme, a part of me couldn' t help but wonder if a part of Mami really does want him back.

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When Kazuya gets a call from his gran telling him she'll be out of the hospital soon, it gives him another opportunity to properly end things with Chizuru. His friends also give him an opening when they pepper Chizuru with questions about where she lives and plans to hang out.


But when he sorta-half comes clean and tells them they've been planning to break up, his best friend Kibe won't let it slide. He starts beating Kazuya up, accusing him of fawning over Mami and generally being a wishy-washy He tosses out this exquisite line: “Yes, your brain's a dumpster fire, but at least make it burn for your current flame!”

Kibe also puts some of the blame at the feet of Mami, accusing her of leading on a guy she dumped despite knowing full well he's a fool who will fall for it every time. Mami's eyes narrow without going “empty” as they've done in the past, and half-heartedly pleads ignorance, but Kibe seems to have her pegged despite her attempts at subterfuge.

The issue is, Kibe doesn't know the whole story, which is that Chizuru didn't choose Kazuya, but the other way around. Chizuru knows this, which is why she regrets the beating Kazuya took but is proud of him for taking the first step to separating the two of them.

She calls what he did a bold move, and that he can be a man when he tries. When he apologizes for all the trouble he caused her, she rebuts that being a rental girlfriend is her job, and she had fun. When he walks off, ready to cut ties with her, there's an unmistakable look of doubt in her face. She's not doubting whether Kazuya will really go through with it, but whether that's she truly wants.


Things get more complicated—again (don't they always?) When Kibe takes Chizuru aside for a chat. He explains how he's known Kazuya since they were little kids, and so knows full well what a dumbass he can be. He describes his friend to an absolute T that Chizuru can't help but recognize. Then Kibe tells a story about a supposed weed that grew in Kazuya's school planter.

He kept lovingly tending to until it bloomed into a different and more beautiful flower than everyone else's morning glories. It was a combination of dumb luck and Kazuya's refusal to stop dreaming and give in to reality. It's also a touching enough story to make Chizuru a little glassy-eyed. Kibe certainly has a way with words!

Kibe basically gives Chizuru the extra opportunity her previous moments of doubt seemed to be searching for, in the form of ferry tickets. That said, she decides to use one ticket and five Kazuya the other simply because she can't not after Kibe's speech. The rest of their plan holds: they're going to separate and not interact anymore.


Kazuya seems gradually enthusiastic about putting all the fakeness aside, even as Chizuru is experiencing not second thoughts, but apparent seasickness combined with the fever that had been brewing throughout the episode. She asks Kazuya to let her be, despite that not being the best thing for her in her current state, on a boat.

Kazuya gets a call from Mami, who tells him she’ll wait as long as she has to for him to join her at the pool on the fourth floor of the hotel. She’s blushing heavily during the call despite not having to put on a physical performance for him. Is this a means of cynically ensuring he breaks up with Chizuru, a case of her genuinely desiring more romantic contact…or both? I see ambiguity, but that doesn’t mean it’s there.


What isn’t ambiguous at all is that Chizuru is not well. She stumbles to the railing for some fresh air when the ferry hits a wave, she loses her balance, and then dramatically falls overboard. Thankfully Kazuya is in the vicinity when it happens, and he dives off the boat to save her. Risking his life to save hers…so much for a clean break!
