Technician-Tested List of 2023’s Top Commercial Smart Locks

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Technician-Tested List of 2023’s Top Commercial Smart Locks

Technician-Tested List of 2023’s Top Commercial Smart Locks

2022 brought us a mixed bag in pretty much every area besides commercial security. In 2022, commercial smart phone door lock companies like NexKey fell while others still rose to the top.To get more news about wifi smart locks, you can visit official website.

Below is a comprehensive guide to the top smart lock manufactures smart lock model for commercial doors in 2023 and beyond.

Every one of these locks have been tested by the best smart lock installers in the country, The Flying Locksmiths.
When do we suggest Smart Locks for Commercial Businesses?
We suggest smart locks for commercial doors for several different types of customers, but they generally fall into a handful of different categories.

If any of these scenarios apply to you, then standalone access controls like smart locks are the right pick for your commercial property.

Most customers arrive on smart locks as their preferred access control type for any of those circumstances, or due to smart locks being generally much more cost-effective than wired access control.

The Features of the Best Smart Locks of 2023
What’s a guide to commercial smart door locks without pointing you toward the best options to consider? Keep an eye out for these key features when shopping so you get the crème de la crème of smart locks.

Smart Lock Credentialing Types Access Types
Due to the growing popularity of smart locks, there are various approaches to granting access. Most smart locks will allow you to lock and unlock the doors using an app on a mobile device. Other smart locks have keypads for coded entry, which is still a great option for anyone wanting to get rid of physical keys.
Web Portals
With most security technologies existing in the cloud now, it goes without saying any smart lock is going to have a web portal accessible by admins (at least) to manage security credentials.

Historically, antiquated access control systems required on-site servers to run. If you’ve ever had one of these running on your site, you’ll know not only how vulnerable they are to shutdowns and unexpected behavior. You’ll also wish you never had to go into a server room to setup an access card again.

Exterior-rated, weather resistant and weatherproof commercial smart locks
Nothing is worse than spending money on a commercial smart lock, installing it on an exterior door, then finding out after the fact it’s not weather-rated.

Traditionally, that has always been the rub with smart locks—weather kills them. Each of the smart locks on our list will be labeled weatherproof, or weather resistant or interior-only.

Customer Support
Customer support for any access control system is paramount, not only for you, but for us. Some companies put their customers through the ringer to get assistance with even the most minor questions. You’ll find everything on our list for has top-notch customer support. Easy to reach for quick and in-depth questions is the name of the game for any software-based security solution.

Extended Battery Life
One of the most important features of a smart lock is its battery life. A smart lock with a poor battery life could land you in sticky situations, such as denial of access to rooms or documents. To avoid this issue, read the spec and expected battery life before hiring a professional locksmith.

Software Compatibility
The biggest mistake you could make is getting a smart lock incompatible with everyone’s software. Buying a smart lock that’s only compatible with Apple software will hinder those who need access to the building and don’t own an Apple device. It’s important to keep all your technology in one accord to eliminate future problems.

Are there smart locks that only work with Apple technology you might be wondering? Yes, there are. And no, we don’t use them or suggest them.
