Umbilical cord blood can save lives, but don't self-storage, it costs a lot of money and doesn't work

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Umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the baby's umbilical cord is severed.


Many moms may be asked the question before or just after having a baby, "Should I save my cord blood?"

Umbilical cord blood is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the baby's umbilical cord is severed. The reason for the term "save cord blood" is that cord blood contains a certain amount of hematopoietic stem cells, which can be used to treat more than 70 diseases,臍帶血 including leukemia. Moreover, compared to stem cells in the bone marrow, stem cells in cord blood have fewer rejection reactions. Therefore, cord blood can save lives, so there will be the practice of storing cord blood, but the cost of storing cord blood is relatively high. The high cost aside, storing your own cord blood is not a good practice.

Storing cord blood as soon as your child is born is a very important and effective insurance policy for the job. In practice, however, the benefits of self-storage of cord blood can be greatly diminished in the realities of society. Many major diseases that have seriousness like leukemia are due to genetic factors. Since it is related to genetic information,臍帶血 the stem cells in our baby's umbilical cord blood, in and of itself, has a genetic technology problem. So when used, the impact of the role that can be played is not great. And the probability of a child being able to use his or her own umbilical cord blood is 0.005% to 0.04%, which is very low. In the event that these children become seriously ill, it is still necessary to search for suitable cord blood from a tissue cell bank.

Since the chances of a child using cord blood on his or her own are very low,臍帶血 can others in the family use it? This is what many of the uses and promotions of stored cord blood are aimed at:.

But the fact is:Even for siblings, the probability of successful matching is only 25%. So, "the whole family can use the baby's cord blood" is a gimmick, and then we have to find the right cord blood.

In addition, cord blood has little effect on adults. The stem cells in cord blood are not enough for adults who weigh more than 45 kilograms. So, in theory, depositing cord blood sounds like buying a good insurance policy, but in reality the benefits are variable in time and effect - more like a "blank check".

Despite these limitations, some children have been saved through cord blood transplants. If parents choose to donate cord blood, it is easier for them to match their child's blood when he or she is sick and in need of it.

Therefore, after analyzing the reasons for the above problems, if you are planning to save your child's cord blood, you can still recommend donating the cord blood to a public blood bank, so that the cord blood can play a more valuable role.


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