What is App Store Optimization?

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What is App Store Optimization?What is App Store Optimization?

What is App Store Optimization?

ASO is the process of making a mobile App more visible in an App Store. ASO is like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but for Mobile Apps.To get more news about Ios App Keyword Ranking Service, you can visit aso700.com official website.

Basically, users rarely search for Apps using the exact App name. Instead, users tend to use keywords to search for Apps. Example of such keywords is: “mobile taxi service”, “taxi services in Lagos”. The ability for an App to show up in the top 10 results for its target keywords determines how optimized that App is.At FincoApps, we think ASO is way better than the traditional online advertisement. Let us take Google Ads for example. You pay Google so that your Mobile App can show on top for certain keywords. This way, people see the advert a lot more and since the advert is targeted at certain keywords, they are more likely to download it.

With proper ASO, your App would be at the top for your target keywords thus eliminating the need to advertise. The good news is ASO is easy, cheap and lasts longer compared to traditional paid Adverts.

Also, one of the major drawbacks of traditional online advertisement is the fact that all engagement abruptly drops as soon as the advert stops. Unlike ASO, it requires continuous investments.FincoApps is an end-to-end provider of Information Technology services. Our experience and approach are sure to prove to be a valuable asset regardless of the kind of business you run.

Due to the fact that the App Stores never reveal their search algorithms, we at FincoApps have taken the time to undergo some research and experiments with a view to determining what factors affect the ranking of Apps in App stores. We were able to structure a powerful ASO protocol with the data we have gathered.Keywords research is the process of finding the best keywords to target for your business. We identify the best keywords by using special tools that allows us estimate the number of people that performs a search using a particular keyword. When we get these keywords with high traffic, we then study how many apps in that category target these keywords. Finally, we use this data to determine how difficult it would be to rank for that keyword.

App retention is the percentage of people that uninstalls your App 3-30 days after installing it. As it turns out, the App Stores try to show the best Apps to users. Apps with high uninstall rate would have a hard time ranking for top keywords.

Our job is to improve your App retention. Our proficiency in App development gives us an edge over a lot of Digital Marketing companies. We will study the code base, optimize it, install an App analytics plugin. With the data generated from this plugin, we will be able to find and fix the major cause of uninstalls in your App.As it turns out, the number of times an App crashes can tell a lot about the quality of the App. App crashes play a big role in App Store Optimization and keyword rankings.

Our development team will install Crash Analytics and Crash prevention plugins in order to stop App crashes 100%. This will boost the reputation of the App which inturn would improve the rankings of the App.User ratings and reviews play a big role in App Store Optimization. We also made a discovery that keywords present in user reviews plays a rather big role in keyword rankings.

For example, If a lot of users happen to mention the keyword “Uber” in an App review, that App has a high chance of showing up at the top for searches relating to Uber.

We have a wide network of users that can use the target keywords in your app reviews. This technique was a breakthrough in our experiment.
