Mini Review for a Mini Flashlight with a Twist

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Mini Review for a Mini Flashlight with a Twist

Mini Review for a Mini Flashlight with a Twist

On HighTechDad, I typically write about gadgets or consumer electronics and how they integrate (or not) within the family environment. For the most part, these are devices that enable Smart Homes or Home Automation or provide some other type of essential utility within the home. But some more everyday and necessary items deserve coverage as well. When you take a step back, a flashlight is a core, emergency- and utility-related gadget that should be on everyone’s list. This review is about one of those items, the KeySmart NanoTorch Twist. (*Disclosure below.)Get more news about Keysmart Torch,you can vist our website!

If your family is anything like mine, you have all types of flashlights spread throughout the house for various scenarios. I have one by my bed, one on my desk, and one in the pantry to find those hidden food items. I have larger ones with massive D batteries in other locations, but I’m going to guess that those batteries are dead. Yeah, not very effective. And, many of the old, larger flashlights use old fashioned lightbulbs. LEDs are the way to go now. They are longer-lasting and have much brighter output in a smaller form factor than those “old school” flashlights.

But you can pick up these smaller LED flashlights just about anywhere. So how do you know what features to look for? Did you even know that there are features to choose from? The KeySmart NanoTorch Twist has a few very compelling features that truly differentiate them from those hanging on the rack at a supermarket. Let’s look at a few of them.

As the name suggests, this LED flashlight is quite small. In fact, it only measures 4.5” long by less than an inch in diameter. But don’t let its small size fool you. It is quite a capable flashlight.

I was a bit surprised by the weight. It comes in around 3.25 ounces. In real-world standards, it does feel “heavy” but not in a bad way. I think a better term to describe it is “solid.”

This solid feeling is because it is crafted from machined aluminum. And that means that while it is a bit heavier than its plastic competitors, it also means that it is much more durable. It feels like it can handle a drop without issue (but I’m not going to purposefully throw it to the ground to test it because I like the NanoTorch Twist).Again, as the name implies, there is a twist to this LED flashlight. In fact, the innovative design allows for the flashlight head to pivot so that you can have a 90-degree angle to the flashlight. This is great for shining the light into dark, hard to reach corners.

The twisting process is quite smooth and easy to do. Most likely, when you have in your pocket, you will keep it straight. But it is nice to have the option to pivot.
