Getting the School Year off to a Good start is easier than you Think

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Getting the School Year off to a Good start is easier than you Think

1. Discover your school
The teacher can offer new pupils a treasure hunt to explore their school. This game also allows them to explore a new place and to identify the different spaces. It is made up of several puzzles. With the help of a roadmap containing the first clue, the voluntary child must decipher the first riddle. Each riddle leads to a specific place. This allows him to find the place where the next puzzle is hiding. Thanks to this game, the pupils discover the new establishment by following a very specific route.

2. The information sheet
Replace the traditional often useless and tedious information sheet with something more lively with questions about students' tastes, their hobbies, what interests them, last book read / film seen, what concerns them, three words to help them describe, write a sentence to their future self (which they reread at the end of the year) or simply what they want us to know without necessarily daring to say it ... all without being forced to write / answer to all proposals

3. Decorate the walls with pictures or photographs.
Children spend a lot of time in the same classroom, and we all know the visual environment affects their learning. That is, they will learn less in an abundantly decorated classroom. This is why the teacher must check that this decoration is not a distraction for his students. So, images and photographs must meet certain criteria:

Incorporate the material you teach children into the decor. Posters, colors and photos should be inspired by the theme.

Define the style of your class: You will have to choose the atmosphere you want to create, it must be a warm place with a family atmosphere or on the contrary professional with a concept that revolves around studies, do you prefer your students to be dynamic or rather calm? When you know how to answer his questions, you can decide what decorations to put in your classroom.

Arrangement of furniture: The layout of the classroom can greatly improve the well-being of students. Each arrangement has its advantages and disadvantages. Choose the table layout that suits your learning style. Testing new arrangements can lead to new discoveries about pedagogy and students.

4. Make a mind map
Students can make mind maps themselves, which is ideal for memorizing vocabulary. They can use it to review, learn vocabulary, understand a song, an audio, a text, to prepare their presentations, etc. To facilitate the first contact with the mental map, one can imagine offering incomplete maps to the students, which they will have to complete.
