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“Customer is the king.” Indeed, this adage holds true for every business regardless of the industry it belongs to.

Therefore, organizations today are implementing myriad ways to enhance customer experience. It depends on several factors such as the marketing strategy, brand awareness, product/service quality, value proposition, etc.

Since employees are responsible for timely deliverables, it’s a no-brainer that customer experience vastly depends on how efficiently a company manages its workforce. That’s because the extent to which a company taps into the potential of its talent pool decides the product or service quality.

In simple words,

Effective resource management forms one of the cornerstones of a great customer experience.

This blog elaborates on the various factors that determine customer experience, key metrics to measure the same, and how resource management plays a key role in its enhancement. https://www.saviom.com/blog/en....hance-customer-exper