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The Outrunner: Spiral Conveying Re-Thought - CONOVEY
The OutRunner Spiral Conveyor is simply the most advanced and reliable spiral system ever built. Features include: Chain widths from 4 - 50 inches, Virtually unlimited number of tiers, Choose any tier clearance, Open and clean "cage-free" design, Every tier is positively driven resulting in consistent low tension, Fully captured chain means no finicky dancer assembly required, Capable of running at speeds in excess of 300 feet per minute, The spiral chain can reverse direction on the fly, Compact footprint, No transfers required between tandem pairs (up/down configurations), Entire systems run one simple gear box eliminating need for costly control panel, Simplicity in design means less parts and easy to maintain, and Designed and assembled in North America (both Canada and USA). Applications: Cooling and/or curing products, Elevating and lowering products, Accumulating products in FIFO or FILO configurations, and Buffering between packaging machines.