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telegram vote

the introduction of iranian telegrams and the advantages of employing it is one of the newest studies conducted in the middle of the persian version of the iranian version of the wire . on the basis of the same research , it has been found that 62.5 % of users have a higher age range . researches show that telegram is one of the social networks that among iranian students has devoted many fans .
considering the spread of this space in the middle of the users , including the youth , business owners are trying to increase the popularity and credibility of their telegram channel , iranian diplomats or more iranians . one of the methods that can be added to the channel through which we can add the iranian telegram to the channel is mandatory .
due to the fact that the telegram was recently filtered in iran , users were trying different ways to exclude the telegraph filter and expel the telegram from their positions ; for this purpose it was attempted to expand this job through a variety of vpn or proxies .
