How to create a news site?

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If you have long wondered how to start your own news portal, this brief guide will be for you.

If in the past we read the news from newspapers, now, to find a person who holds a paper source of information - almost unreal. Yes, it"s much easier to open your smartphone and read the news. In addition, it is possible to study information from several sources at once. In general, you understand that while some people read such information sites, others can create them. That"s exactly how to create a news site we will talk about in this article.

Let"s start with the definition: a news site - is an Internet publication, which specializes in the collection and delivery of general topic news or materials on one topic. The development of such a project involves creating a convenient and reliable website or application that can withstand a large influx of users.

Speaking about the type of content, the sites can be dedicated to one topic, such as sports, or general topics - different topics. There is also a state portal, where local authorities inform citizens about upcoming events in the city, as well as changes in the management structure.

Support for high traffic.

Obviously, the news site is designed for a large audience, otherwise there is no point in even creating it. From this conclusion: the Internet application should load quickly and work flawlessly with high traffic. A few recommendations on how to ensure the stability of the high load project:

- load balancing on the server, CDN;

- designing a scalable architecture;

- graphics caching;

- optimized functional modules.

Get a domain.

Domain is a unique address that appears in the address bar of your browser. For example, It would seem that what is difficult to come up with a domain? In fact, the difficulty is finding a free name. All the simple and beautiful already taken, and to come up with something cumbersome - not an option.

The right domain name must be:

- short;

- memorable;

- Must be associated with the site;

- It should be easy to pronounce;

- Do not use complex combinations.

Sign up for hosting.

Hosting is a must have for any website. In fact, without it, and the project itself will not be. The bottom line is that when a user visits your resource, the server sends the site files to the browser, so they can be displayed on the device.

Of course, you do not need to buy your own server hardware, configure it and manage it. You can just rent space on someone else"s server.

What host should you use?

For the first project we recommend to use Bluehost. Here and the cost is affordable and has all the necessary tools that webflow experts will quickly master. If you also get your domain name through them, you will not need to set up DNS.

Design and functionality.

And so, to create a quality resource, which will be convenient and popular, we recommend the following tips:

- create a design close to the usual format of a newspaper or magazine;

- the news feed should be divided into several topical feeds (thus, you improve navigation on the site);

- resource design should be minimalist with or without a low cap;

- social media buttons should be placed under each post;

- invite users to leave comments under each news;

- set up a subscription to the news.

It"s also important to develop an adaptive design and a mobile version of the newsletter.

Structure and content.

The main task of a news portal is to give a user quality, reliable content. For a resource that is truly interesting and popular, adhere to the following recommendations:

- provide the user with convenient navigation;

- update content (news should be published at least every 15-20 minutes);

- make sure you publish in the morning;

- emphasize the headlines: original, shouting, eye-catching;

- do the rewrites from several sources;

- each post should contain a picture, a preview and a clear text in a news format (journalistic style).
