Why Do We Need Green Spaces, And What Are They?

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The most prevalent forms of green space include parks and other public places, community gardens, and roadside greenery.

Few things can compare to the pleasure of spending time outdoors, whether it be lounging on a park bench, strolling down a tree-lined path, or hiking through forest paths made of gravel and mud. The purpose of these urban parks is to provide people with a break from the city's constant noise and oppressive temperatures. Yet, sadly, not all city dwellers enjoy universal access to such places.

While parks and other green areas are crucial to city planning, they are being lost at an alarming rate in Pakistan. Large-scale agricultural production to fulfill rising consumer demand and unrestrained tree-cutting to make room for infrastructure development and new housing societies are two major causes of urban forests becoming depleted.

In recent years, federal and provincial governments have launched a number of innovative projects and campaigns to combat the consequences of deforestation by encouraging the planting of trees in both rural and urban areas. Several urban forest initiatives are now underway in Karachi, while the authorities in Islamabad have plans to create the country's first urban forestry park. As an added bonus, the Lahore Development Authority has started a program to plant urban forests in the City of Gardens, inspired by the Miyawaki model, or maybe in a park view city In Islamabad.

While these strategies for expanding urban greenery are promising, it is essential to remember that land encroachment and unchecked urban sprawl continue to represent a threat to existing green spaces. Many city people are blissfully ignorant of the negative consequences of their cities' lack of green spaces, which does little to assist the situation.

Here, then, is a detailed manual that will explain why parks are so crucial in modern megacities.

Grassy Areas And Other Urban Green Space Types

The most prevalent forms of green space include parks and other public places, community gardens, and roadside greenery.

Parks, plazas, and other green areas come in all shapes and sizes and can be found all across city neighborhoods. Open spaces, natural spaces, and green infrastructure are all possible terms to describe these locations, each with its own unique connotations and usages.

Green spaces in urban areas may be plentiful, however, they are typically classified as either public or private. The former consists of both rural and urban woods, as well as parks, community gardens, protected spaces, pathways, greenways, wetlands, street trees, and roadside vegetation. Private and public green spaces, meanwhile, might include anything from rooftop gardens to green walls to golf courses to cemeteries.

Let's have a peek at some of Pakistan's most vital parks and other green areas

Community members place a high value on urban parks and gardens because of their intended use for rest and relaxation. And spread gentle fragrance just like Sauvage Dior Dossier. Co has.

In addition to wide swaths of grass and towering ornamental trees, these parks typically feature paved walking routes or jogging areas, bike lanes, wooden seats, flower beds, and a playground with swings and slides. Larger parks may also feature water features like ponds and fountains, which add to their visual value.

To ensure their families can enjoy some fresh air and quality time together in a secure setting, many homeowners are willing to pay a premium to be near a park. Because they are among the few places where people who live in the same neighborhood can readily interact and connect with one another, these spaces also build social cohesiveness and foster a community spirit.

Students Discuss Forests In Cities

What we call "urban forests" are the woods that sprout up in and around cities. Although they can develop on their own, they are more commonly sparked into existence through intentional means in order to accomplish a number of desirable outcomes, including but not limited to increased biodiversity; decreased air pollution; avoided flooding after storms, and decreased temperatures. These woods are crucial in reducing global warming's destructive impact.

Among the many types of urban greenery, urban forests are among the largest and most easily recognizable. They can include everything from street trees to parks to landscaped boulevards to coastal promenades to conservation areas. This green infrastructure not only benefits the local population by making it easier for people to live healthier lives but also benefits the local wildlife by providing habitats and food sources for previously unrecognized species.

The increasing amount of urban forests in Pakistan can be attributed to the country's numerous plantation campaigns.

Sanctuaries And National Parks

National parks are public spaces set aside by the government to safeguard native plant and animal species. A piece of land may be preserved if there is a strong cultural, scientific, or geological connection to the area. Most of these parks are accessible to the public and are situated in rural or hilly regions beyond municipal borders. These parks, which are sometimes referred to as "nature reserves," are ideal for people who wish to get out into nature and see wild animals in their element. The national parks of Hingol, Deosai, Kirthar, and Sheikh Badin are among the best-known in Pakistan.

In contrast, wildlife sanctuaries are areas of forest and mountain that have been set aside to preserve native wildlife and their habitat. These parks and gardens have a wide variety of natural species, some of which are critically endangered.

Urban Fertilization

Common examples of urban greenery include green spaces, wayside plants, and curbside trees. Several cities in Pakistan have passed new laws to expand parks and other green areas in response to the growing interest in eco-friendly living and building. Tree planting, open space allocation, the use of special reinforcements to create green walls, and, of course, the creation of rooftop gardens that aid in energy conservation by cooling the entire structure are all examples of these types of initiatives.

Check out our how-to instructions on growing the best trees in your home if you're interested in expanding the amount of green space in urban areas.


It's a mini-ecosystem all its own, complete with its own fauna (including mudskippers and crabs). Wetlands, which are often transitional zones, play a crucial role in the natural landscape.

Furthermore, the quantity of water that covers these types of green spaces varies greatly depending on their location. Some wetland ecosystems are always wet, whereas others may only get inundated at times of high rainfall or during specific seasons. However, the soil in these regions remains saturated throughout the year regardless of precipitation, making it a favorable environment for a wide variety of plant communities.

Hydrophytes are plants that thrive in low-oxygen hydric soil, which is what marsh plants need to survive. Many marine and wildlife species rely heavily on wetlands for food, shelter, and reproduction, making these green regions an essential part of the ecosystem.

Pakistan's mangrove forests are exemplary urban green areas because of their role in protecting coastlines from erosion and preventing the spread of dirty runoff.

Residents in an area are more likely to lead a healthy lifestyle if there are plenty of green areas available. Listed below are a few of the most obvious benefits that green spaces bring to urban areas.

Add Years To People's Lives

Did you know that every year, air pollution causes the untimely deaths of over three million people around the world?

A 2015 study found that persons with preexisting non-communicable diseases whose lives were significantly shortened by inhaling irritating gases over a long period of time. Due to the increasing severity of climate change, this figure is expected to rise. Most of these early fatalities occur in Asia, which is an essential fact to note.

Air pollution not only makes temperatures rise making heat waves more likely, but it also worsens the health of individuals of all ages by aggravating preexisting diseases like heart disease and asthma. This is one of the most obvious benefits of urban parks and gardens.

In a similar vein, open areas like parks and playgrounds encourage people to get outside and move more. 

As a result, creating more green spaces like parks and gardens may help mitigate one of the most pressing environmental problems at the same time.
