Types Of Hair Transplants: How Many Are There?

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The final price of your hair transplant can rely upon many factors as well as the progression of your hair loss and therefore the variety of procedure performed.

There area unit 2 main hair transplant techniques that area unit frequently used: the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and also the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). each these ways area unit effective in restoring thicker, natural-looking hair.
FUE Hair Transplants
What Is A FUE Hair Transplant?
With FUE hair transplantation, every individual cyst unit is harvested from the scalp. The hair follicles area unit removed in an exceedingly random fashion, permitting your Dr. to reap hair from the donor space with less noticeable dilution of the world. With cyst Unit Extraction (FUE), hair is harvested through microscopic circular incisions on the scalp.

There area unit 2 varieties of FUE hair transplants: Manual FUE and Robotic FUE.

A Manual FUE hair transplant is completed by a Dr. at Transplant in Abu Dhabi employing a hand-held device to extract the individual hair follicles.

A Robotic FUE procedure uses a robotic hair transplant device that's guided by the Dr.. The Dr. selects the number of hair desired for gather and maps out the required donor space. The Dr. doesn't truly harvest the donor grafts; the gather step is completed by the ARTAS automaton. This medical marvel of technology offers unique exactitude and accuracy.
Benefits Of Robotic FUE Hair Transplants
High Graft Quality
The processed ARTAS FUE system permits for period 3D analysis and calculation of the characteristics of every follicle. this permits the automaton to pick out the healthiest and strongest follicles for prospering gather and transplant.

Natural wanting Results
The ARTAS FUE methodology harvests and transplants hairs in their natural groupings, going away NO linear scar behind. this offers hair a additional natural look and permits you to wear your hair as short as you wish with while not having to stress a couple of visible scar.

No Pain throughout Or when Treatment
Similar to a visit to the medical practitioner, the FUE procedure uses local anaesthesia to make sure borderline discomfort throughout the procedure. Since the FUE transplant uses a minimally invasive methodology, several patients expertise borderline pain throughout or when their procedure.

Short Recovery Time
With no surgical knife or stitches employed in the treatment, the recovery method when associate FUE transplant is fast, with many of us obtaining back to their daily activities at intervals one or two of days. The procedure itself solely takes regarding eight hours.

Minimal Scarring In Donor space
Since the follicles area unit harvested in an exceedingly random fashion, the planning and density of the donor space is miminally affected. FUE could be a treatment of alternative for folks that favor to wear their hair terribly short at the rear as a result of the donor space appearance unaffected and unreduced.

FUT Hair Transplants
What Is A FUT Hair Transplant?
In cyst Unit Transplantation (also typically additionally called the “strip method”) an extended, skinny piece of tissue is far from the rear of the scalp. Individual cyst units area unit then far from the strip victimization stereo-microscopic dissection.

Once the follicles are harvested, the wound is closed forsaking one, terribly fine linear scar.

Advantages Of FUT Hair Transplants
Manageable Recovery Time
The recovery time of a FUT procedure is extremely manageable, sometimes lasting between 10-12 days. Some patients have fully fledged higher levels of discomfort with FUT compared to alternative procedures thanks to potential swelling wherever the strip of scalp was removed. In these instances, pain medication is prescribed.

Higher Rate Of Follicle Survival
With FUT, hair is harvested from the middle donor zone wherever most the hair is permanent. For this reason, patients with restricted hair handiness within the donor space area unit usually counseled for FUT treatment. With FUT, follicles area unit rigorously harvested, keeping the protecting tissue intact therefore grafts area unit strong and higher-quality

Natural wanting Results
The procedure leaves you with an awfully skinny, linear scar that's no quite 1mm in diameter or less in size. This makes it terribly simply hid with the encircling hair therefore it's just about undetectable.

With a FUT hair transplant at Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Abu Dhabi, a patient’s hair is transplanted in little, present teams of one – four hairs. this permits you to get pleasure from fuller, naturally wanting hair while not revealing your hair transplant procedure.

No further Scarring With resulting Sessions
Regardless of the number of procedures a patient undergoes, you're left with only 1 scar. against this, the FUE procedure leaves alittle, spherical scar behind with every cyst unit that's harvested.
