Types and characteristics of Internet risks and threats to life

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Types and characteristics of Internet risks and threats to life Types and characteristics of Internet risks and threats to life

The risks children face online are manifold. They carry a variety of information posted on the Web. Recently, the risks associated with the involvement of minors in dangerous groups and communities have become more widespread. These are, first of all, the so-called "death groups", which involve children and adolescents in the performance of dangerous tasks that ultimately lead to suicide. These are also extremist groups that inspire minors with ideas about the injustice of the world order and their special purpose in “improving the world”, through its “cleansing of the unworthy” and involving them in illegal extremist activities. These include groups that offer minors "jobs" involving illegal activities (primarily in the distribution of narcotic and other prohibited substances, etc.). So that you can always protect your children from risks and know what is happening in their online life, install keylogger download https://www.refog.com/free-keylogger.html . This program will record for you any keystroke and you can always find out what and with whom your children communicate
