Why 2D drawings are important

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Why 2D drawings are importantWhy 2D drawings are important

Why 2D drawings are important

There are several reasons why 2D drawings remain an important part of the manufacturing workflow. Here are just a few of them:To get more news about cad tips and tricks, you can visit shine news official website.

Critical features: Drafters can highlight important information on 2D drawings so manufacturers do not skip over anything important or misunderstand a potentially ambiguous specification.

Portability: Printed 2D technical drawings can be easily moved, shared, and read in a range of environments. Viewing a 3D model on a computer screen is useful for manufacturers, but there may not be a monitor next to every machining center or post-processing station.

Familiarity: Although all manufacturers are familiar with CAD, there are discrepancies between different digital formats. Drafting is an established technique, and the standards and symbols used on 2D drawings are recognizable by all in the business. Moreover, some manufacturers can assess a 2D drawing — to estimate its cost for a quote, for example — more quickly than they could assess a digital model.

Annotations: Engineers will attempt to include all relevant information on a 2D drawing, but manufacturers, machinists, and other professionals may wish to annotate the design with their own notes. This is made simpler with a printed 2D drawing.

Verification: By submitting 2D drawings that correspond to a 3D model, the manufacturer can rest assured that the specified geometries and dimensions have not been written down incorrectly.

Extra information: Nowadays, a CAD file contains more information than just a 3D shape; it can stipulate information like tolerances and material choices. However, some things are more easily communicated in words alongside a 2D drawing.

For more information on 2D drawings, read our Everything you need to know about technical drawings blog post. If you already have your 2D drawings ready to go, submit them along with your CAD file when you request a quote.

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