Foot pinching, foot massage, walking on the stone road, in the end what is the use?

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Walking on the street, we can see foot massage stores all over the street, which fully demonstrates the degree of Chinese people love foot massage.


Walking on the street, we can see foot massage stores all over the street, which fully demonstrates the degree of Chinese people love foot massage. Although the palm of the foot is small, but it is known as the human body's "second heart",hong kong escorts but also by the massage store publicized as a way to drive the disease health. However, if the foot massage is not appropriate, not only the body is not beneficial, but also may cause harm.

The benefits of foot massage:

1. Promote blood circulation: there are many acupoints on the soles of the feet, and by massaging these acupoints, blood circulation in the body can be accelerated,nuru massage so that the temperature of the feet will rise. For people with cold hands and feet in winter, more foot massage is beneficial.

2. Accelerate metabolism: foot massage can promote the secretion of adrenaline in the human body, thus accelerating the rate of metabolism. Women's qi and blood will also become more rosy.

3. Improve sleep quality: Through massage, it can relieve physical fatigue and soothe tension. In a relaxed environment, one's mood will become pleasant and the quality of sleep will be improved accordingly.

4. Long-term appropriate massage is beneficial to the treatment of chronic diseases: such as diabetes, kidney disease and so on.

However, foot massage is only an auxiliary role, is not a "cure-all" treatment method, can only play a role in improving. Therefore, can not believe that through the foot massage can cure disease claims.

The following seven categories of people are not suitable for foot massage: patients with acute diseases; patients with blood diseases; extreme physical weakness; menstruation and pregnancy; serious heart disease patients; skin diseases and infectious diseases; osteoporosis patients.

The precautions of foot massage:

1. Foot massage is not the more painful the better, too much force will lead to subcutaneous injury. The best strength is between no pain and pain, a bit of pain is just right. 2.

2. The time of foot massage is not the longer the better, it is recommended that each time more than 15 minutes, but not more than an hour. 3.

3, the gushing spring point, Taibai point and Taichong point is often massage of the three points. But if you can't find the acupoints, it's okay, wear socks and step on the uneven shiatsu board can also play a role in massage.

4. An hour after meals before doing massage. Don't blow your feet against a fan immediately after a summer massage.

In addition to going to a massage parlor for a foot massage, there are a number of ways to get a foot massage:

1. Foot massage cushion: when there is no time to go to the massage parlor or no one at home to help massage the feet, foot massage cushion comes in handy. It can be placed in the living room, bedroom, balcony, bathroom, gym and other places, while enjoying life and massage. It is not only easy to use, but also not limited by venue, climate and time.

2. Foot tapper: It has a lot of uneven points on the front and back, which can also play a role in massage by tapping the soles of the feet. The strength can be adjusted according to the demand.

3. Wear a pair of comfortable shoes to go to the park on the cobblestone road for more than 30 minutes: not only can massage the soles of the feet, but also can achieve the effect of weight loss.


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