Clearing Doubts: Your Guide to Understanding Laser Hair Removal

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Laser hair removal is now the most convenient and successful way to remove unwanted hair, shares Dr. Shikha Aggarwal, a renowned dermatologist known for performing the best laser hair removal in Ludhiana. It is also the least expensive and least painful treatment that requires minimal main

Unwanted hair on the body can be a source of embarrassment, particularly for people who want hair-free skin. Although conventional hair removal techniques like shaving and waxing may work well in the short run, they may need to be maintained frequently. This increases the risk of ingrown hairs and skin irritation.

Laser hair removal is now the most convenient and successful way to remove unwanted hair, shares Dr. Shikha Aggarwal, a renowned dermatologist known for performing the best laser hair removal in Ludhiana. It is also the least expensive and least painful treatment that requires minimal maintenance. However, many people ask a few common questions, like, Can lasers actually damage the skin? Are the results permanent? These are some of the frequently asked questions that people have when considering laser hair removal.

To help readers get the right answers to their questions, we have gathered answers from a dermatologist at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic, Dr. Shikha Aggarwal.

Will Laser Hair Removal Techniques Damage The Skin?

Initially, the laser’s wavelength is adjusted to a specific level of light appropriate for the patient’s skin type. As a result, only the pigment in the hair shaft absorbs the laser light; the surrounding skin is not affected. One can therefore be confident that laser hair removal will not damage the skin in any way.

How Well Does Laser Hair Reduction Reduce Hair Growth?

The heat produced by the concentrated laser beam is absorbed by the pigments in the hair. The hair’s stem cells are further heated as heat moves from the shaft to the outer root sheath. The hair gets vaporized, and the stem cells’ affection permits a delayed regrowth of the hair. This makes the process extremely efficient and durable.

Can Undesired Body Hair Be Permanently Removed With This Method?

Laser hair removal works incredibly well to reduce hair density and drastically slow down new hair growth. Most of the time, a patient may never require further treatment. In cases where the hair regrows, the growth is comparatively less with fine hair. Hair can regrow in these situations:

Hormonal imbalance
Hair follicles gradually recover and begin to grow again.

A person must have at least 6–8 sessions in order to prolong the hair-free period, with maintenance sessions as and when required.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal is the most efficient, safe, and pain-free hair removal method. The treatment provides one with hair-free and silky smooth skin. One must not worry about the procedure as it has no side effects, does not harm the skin, and does not require any downtime.

Where We can go for Laser Hair Removal in Ludhiana?

If one is looking for laser treatment, they may visit a dermatology clinic that has state of the art lasers and laser expert doctors.

One can also consult with Dr. Shikha Aggarwal, the best skin specialist in Ludhiana, at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic for more details. The skilled physician specializes in FDA-approved laser and anti-aging procedures that are tailored to the unique skin type of each patient. Her clients receive a safe, efficient hair removal treatment that is customized to meet their individual needs, regardless of whether they have a light, dark, or tanned skin tone.

Visit Bliss Laser Skin Clinic today to speak with Dr. Shikha Aggarwa for more details on dark or unwanted hair removal.
