10 practical tips for writing an essay

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We have a big family of write my essay today who have a vast understanding of the English language and rules related to it.

Each challenge is a learning opportunity. 

If writing an essay scares you, treat it as an opportunity to improve your writing skills. 

Nobody expects your first essay to be perfect. Not even the second or third.

We have a big family of write my essay today who have a vast understanding of the English language and rules related to it. All of them are holding higher degrees with distinctions in their respective fields. Our highly professional writers are experts in writing styles such as MLA, Harward, APA, etc. They know how to structure an essay or write my essay for me research paper by following the rules of the English Language.

Not even the fiftieth!

Make sure you learn something new every time you write an essay and you will improve your skills.


1. Create word lists

This is an interesting way to write your essay. First, choose a topic and write a thesis. The thesis is the main theme of your essay. For example, if the topic is about reading, your thesis might be "Reading makes you smarter".

Once you have written your thesis, think about your main theme and find the words that refer to it in different ways. Then expand your list with words that aren't strictly related to your main theme.

For example, your original list might include words like "books", "reading" and "smart". The "expanded" list could also include "Harry Potter", "read in one go" or "test scores".

This process will help you expand your vocabulary over time. Using these words when writing will make your essay more exciting.

2. Act like a reporter

When you are first assigned the topic, go ahead and explore the possible options for your thesis. Ask questions. Get curious. The more questions you ask before you start writing, the more information you will need to put into the essay.

We can evaluate an excellent essay when it includes a lot of content in a short text. This way of acting like a reporter will help you use proper language, provide you with resources and a vocabulary with which to start the writing process.

For example, if you are writing a new diet plan, you might ask questions like "Who is the best candidate for this diet plan?" "How do you get started?" and "What's the hardest part of this diet?"

3. Create paragraphs

A paragraph is the opening sentence that summarizes the text of a part of an article. You can create them in advance to help you stay on topic when writing your essay.

For the thesis “Reading Makes You Smarter”, the paragraph could be: “Newspapers make you more aware of current events”. Another paragraph could be: “Reading plays and classical literature will make you more cultured”.

If you are writing about the three main problems facing writers today, you can create three individual paragraphs about how to approach each of them. When you start writing your essay, refer to the paragraphs to create a solid structure that begins at point A and ends at point C.

4. Argue both aspects

If you need to write a longer or more complex essay, it may help to outline both sides of the subject before you start writing. When writing the essay, you will only need to focus on one aspect of the topic. As you work it out, having a list of the most important points can be helpful in developing your thesis.

Also, by arguing in the opposite aspect to your opinion, you will know which arguments you need to explore better in your essay. You will know the subject better and acquire more vocabulary to enrich the essay.

For example, you could write an essay arguing that people should drink less coffee. To argue both sides, it is also necessary to consider the opposite aspect: the benefits of coffee. How will people quit if they are addicted? What about the antioxidants in coffee? Not good for you? Thoroughly explore the whole concept (both sides of the topic) before you start writing.

5. Read backward

Showing proper grammar is difficult even for advanced learners of English. Since you are learning English, you actually already have an edge. Many native speakers learned grammar incorrectly from the start. It's hard to forget those mistakes after a lifetime of misspelling.

s you learn the English language, try your best to practice grammar and sentence structure. One way to spot grammatical errors in your writing is to read each sentence backward (start with the last word and end with the first). That way, you won't be fooled by the sound of the words when you read them in your head.

Is it all in the correct verbal form (past, present, future, etc.)? If you are writing plurals, are possessive pronouns plural? Are the apostrophes in the right places? Does each sentence end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, exclamation point)? By reading the text backwards, you will focus on the rules of grammar rather than the flow of the sentence.

6. Use a thesaurus and a dictionary

You may have learned a lot of interesting words by studying for an entrance exam. Before using these new words in your essay, make sure you know their meaning. In this case, a dictionary can be useful to you.

A thesaurus is another valuable tool when writing an essay. A thesaurus lists synonyms or words with the same or similar meaning to the word you searched for. It is very useful because it adds depth to your essay and increases the "impact" of your words.

For example, if you are writing about cooking, the words "stir" (to mix) and "add" (to add) may be repeated very often. However, these repetitions bore the reader.

So instead of repeating often "Add the tomato" and "add the eggs", a thesaurus will show you words like "whisk in the eggs" or "gently fold in the tomatoes ”(gently fold the tomatoes) See? It sounds a lot better and arouses that extra interest in your essay.


The visual thesaurus is a resource that functions as a common thesaurus but also shows the connection between words. For example, if you type the word “stir” (to mix), you will immediately see a whole circle of other words linked to “stir” with lines. From there, you can click on a word in the circle (like "move" move, in this case) and then see all those related to that word. This helps you find and learn new words faster, and it's fun too!

7. Combine and separate the sentences

Once the essay has been written, reread it thoroughly to find sentences that seem too long or verbose. Divide them into two or more sentences.

For example, the following sentence is too long. Consequently, the meaning is unclear:

"If you want to write in another language, you need to practice writing in creative ways, like writing on a blog, writing fun poems, or texting a friend who speaks the language you're learning every day."

If you want to write in another language, you need to practice writing creatively, such as writing on a blog, writing funny poems, or texting a friend who speaks the language you are learning day after day.

Instead, you could write it in two sentences more clearly by repeating the word "writing" less often:


 you want to write in another language, you need to practice in creative ways every day. For example, you could start a blog, create fun poems or text a friend. "

If you want to write in another language, you need to practice writing creatively every day. For example, you can start with blogging, funny poems, or texting a friend. 

Do the opposite with too short sentences.

Also, try to write sentences that are closely related to each other. If two sentences seem to have the same meaning, you can join them with a semicolon (;).

For example, the following sentences are closely related to each other:

“Learning to write in another language can be really difficult, especially when you're first getting started. That's why it helps to practice every day. "


Learning to write in another language can be very difficult, especially in the beginning. That's why exercising every day helps.

Here's how you might write it:

“Learning to write in another language can be really difficult, especially when you're first getting started; daily practice is helpful. "

Learning to write in another language can be very difficult, especially at the beginning; exercising every day helps.

8. Ask a native speaker for help in correcting your essay

Meet a friend who speaks English well (or at least better than you). He can correct your essay and notice repetition errors.

If you find mistakes that you make often, be sure to memorize that mistake so you don't make them in future essays. This friend will also be able to point out grammatical or spelling errors that you may have missed.


If you don't have friends who are fluent in English, you can use lang-8.com. Lang-8 is a free site where a native English speaker will correct your texts. In return, you will correct the texts of someone who learns your native language.

9. Reread the entire essay with your friend, then rewrite it

When you and your friend have reviewed the essay and marked the errors, write it all over again. This step is very important. Just noticing mistakes won't help you learn how to avoid them in the future.

By rewriting the essay with corrections in mind, you will learn how to write these passages correctly. This way you will remember the correct use of the grammatical form or spelling of a word and it will be more likely that you will spell it correctly next time.

10. Use online applications

Finally, there are some great online resources that can help improve your writing. For example, Hemingway Editor can review your document to find sentences that are not complete or long-winded. You can rewrite them to make them easier to understand.

You might also go to Essay Punch to find resources and tools that can help you improve your writing skills. Grammar Book is a great resource with which you can practice grammar and spelling.

The advice in this article is primarily about improving your essay writing skills. However, if you want a more professional opinion for an important essay, you can also use Scribendi. Scribendi is an online editorial resource that helps with academic and admissions essays. If you are applying to enter a school or writing an important paper, you may want to consider their services to make sure your essay is the best it can be.

