The costumes are debuted at fan conventions

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Dressing up as fictional characters, or cosplay—a portmanteau of "costume" and "play"—has amply flourished in game culture throughout the beyond couple of decades.

Dressing up as fictional characters, or cosplay—a portmanteau of "costume" and "play"—has amply flourished in game culture throughout the beyond couple of decades.   Cosplay Costume  
Through cosplay, lovers perform existing fictional characters in costumes which might be generally self-created.

The costumes are debuted at fan conventions along with DragonCon, London Expo, or Comic-Con International.  Captain America Costume

These conventions are big meetings of fanatics that vary from numerous hundreds to half of one million site visitors who attend to socialize, store, experience panels, meet celebrities, play games, or watch films collectively. At these venues, fanatics also can take part in cosplay competitions or experience innovative workshops.
