Path of Exile patch note 3.11.1 brings more harvest fixes

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Path of Exile in the 3.11.1 patch will soon have more fixes and improvements.

Harvest Ready notification time has been reduced from the previous 15 seconds to 5 seconds. In addition, the POE Currency icon has been added to the UI, so you can more easily view any actual operations performed.

This patch introduces the following fixes:

    Fixed a bug where if you view the hide through Harvest Crafting "Hide View", attempting to upgrade the oil in the "Withering Hide" tab will cause the grease to be removed.
    Fixed an issue: Clicking "Seed Cache" would negatively affect the rest of the area.
    Fixed some bugs that could cause Grove's avatar to not be converted to another stage of encounter.
    Fixed a bug that prevented the use of enemy clerics or upgraded pioneer pioneer unique POE Items in "Change the pioneer's unique or unique work to a random beachhead map" Harvest Craft.

In addition to some regular improvements, skill improvements, and crash fixes, this patch also brings many other fix improvements. You can view the complete patch notes on IGGM's news page. I believe that after the patch is revised, more players will like this game. At the same time, the situation may be that POE Currency is not enough, but players don’t have to worry, will provide you with enough currency and POE Exalted Orb needed in the game. And POE Items. I believe you will be satisfied!
