An overview of citing books based on Oxford referencing style

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The Oxford referencing guide is commonly used by legal practitioners, academics and law students in Australia. 

The Oxford referencing guide is commonly used by legal practitioners, academics and law students in Australia. It’s a footnote style that presents numbered footnotes in the text and may also include an optional bibliography at the end of the document. You can learn How to Write a Bibliography for Assignment

Now, if you're curious to learn how to cite a book on Oxford referencing guide and referencing, then these simple guidelines will be useful for you.

Author Names

  • The authors' names are presented as they appear on the title page of the book when preparing Oxford referencing
  • Write the full names of authors if you’re aware of it, suggest the History Homework Help Online
  • Initials in names need to be separated by spaces or followed by a period.
  • When citing three authors and include the word 'and' to separate the last two authors. That’s how Professional Academic Writing Servicesexperts in Perth approach the citations.
  • List only the first author, followed by 'et al' for more authors.
  • When making a bibliography entry where there are multiple authors, only the first author's name is inverted.
  • Editors need to be highlighted the same way as authors, but followed by (ed) or (eds) after their name/s, e.g. Trevor Hayes (ed).

Book Titles

  • Write the words in titles and sub-titles in capitals except for prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.
  • The titles should be presented in italics. You can also take Help with Kaplan Assignmentsfrom experts.


  • The edition, apart from the first, has to be cited and placed after the publisher's name. The first edition shouldn't be cited.
  • Ordinal indicators of edition have to be in superscript, and terms of edition are abbreviated, e.g. 2nd ed. (Second Edition), or rev. ed. (Revised Edition)


  • The publisher's name is written in parentheses after the book title.
  • The publisher’s name can be presented in full or in an abbreviated form.
  • Remove the initial 'The' from a publisher’s name and the words like "Inc.", "Co.", "Ltd.", or " Co."
  • Remove the publisher if it’s the same as the author.


  • The publisher's name is written in parentheses after the book title.
  • The publisher’s name can be presented in full or in an abbreviated form.
  • Remove the initial 'The' from a publisher’s name and the words like "Inc.", "Co.", "Ltd.", or " Co."
  • Remove the publisher if it’s the same as the author.

Remember these rules when using the oxford style of referencing.

