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'Esperance' Target Examined by Opportunity in May 2013. The pale rock called "Esperance," has a high concentration of clay minerals formed in near neutral water indcating a spot favorable for life. The rock was found about a kilometer back on Matijevic Hill at 'Cape York', a rather low hilly segment of the western rim of giant Endeavour crater which spans 14 miles (22 km) across..

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Thelunar sample labhas two side by side vaults: one for rocks still in straight from the moon condition and a smaller vault for samples previously loaned out for study. About 70 percent of the original haul is in the pristine sample vault, which has two combinations and takes two people to unlock. About 15 percent is in safekeeping at White Sands in New Mexico.

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Volunteers on both sides said they remember the outcome in 2009, when Mainers repealed a same sex marriage law 53 percent to 47 percent. Supporters say things have changed following more than two years of conversations with thousands of voters. Opponents say they represent the silent majority, many of whom won speak up or show their opposition with a sign, but will vote Tuesday..

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