What Are The Common Types Of Weight Loss Programs?

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Obesity is on the rise in the United States, fueling the need for weight loss programs. Some of these programs are not usually recommended by healthcare facilities. Nowadays, there is actually a rising awareness of the dangers of obesity, which is driving an increasing number of people to take new initiatives toward weight loss. Here are a few common types of weight loss programs:


1. Do-It-Yourself Program: This program can be initiated with the support of like-minded people, groups, or communities. Those vying for a Do-It-Yourself program rely on their own judgment, group support, diet books, or charts available in stores. However, one must be careful since all diet books do not offer genuine information on weight loss.


2. Non-clinical Program: This program may or may not be commercial-oriented. A number of these programs are circulated through privately-owned weight-loss chains, which use books and pamphlets prepared by healthcare providers. Non-clinical programs offer counselors (who may or may not be professional trainers) for advice.


3. Clinical Programs: These are generally commercial-oriented and licensed by health professionals like physicians, nutritionists, psychologists. Clinical programs are provided in healthcare settings as hospitals. The program allows patients to complete nutrition management, medical care, physical activity, behavior change therapy.


Clinical programs also include other weight-loss methods:


i. Very low-calorie diets


ii. Prescription drugs


iii. Bariatric Surgery


The selection of weight loss programs depends on individual choice. However, one must remember that mental preparation is highly essential before indulging in any weight-reduction program. If an individual is not emotionally prepared to undergo a weight-loss session, then things won't work out well. 


In fact, lack of mental preparation or emotional stress often leads the patient to acquire more weight. That is why quality weight loss programs include psychological counseling to overcome emotional stress enable the patient to cope with his changed lifestyle.


Maintaining weight loss requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes portion control, medical supervision, exercise, nutrition, medications, and lifestyle changes. At Coastal Medical Weight Loss, our medical weight loss solutions are designed to help you achieve and maintain your weight loss objectives. By following the advice - supervision of our coastal medical weight loss professionals, you could achieve your weight loss goal transition to a healthier lifestyle. For further information, contact Coastal Medical Center at (760) 230-1556/ (858) 277-6751.

